Physics-Informed Machine LearningLiu D., Pusarla P., and Wang Y. (2023) Multi-fidelity physics-constrained neural networks with minimax architecture.
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 23(3): 031008.
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Malashkhia L., Liu D., Lu Y., and Wang Y. (2023) Physics-constrained Bayesian neural networks for bias and variance reduction.
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Liu D. and Wang Y. (2022) "Metal additive manufacturing process design based on physics constrained neural networks and multi-objective Bayesian optimization",
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Lu Y. and Wang Y. (2021) A physics-constrained dictionary learning approach for compression of vibration signals.
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Liu D. and Wang Y. (2021) A Dual-Dimer method for training physics-constrained neural networks with minimax architecture.
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Liu D. and Wang Y. (2019) Multi-fidelity physics-constrained neural network and its application in materials modeling.
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Conference Proceedings:Lu Y. and Wang Y. (2022) "Temperature field monitoring in fused filament fabrication process based on physics-constrained dictionary learning",
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Lu Y. and Wang Y. (2021) "Machine fault diagnosis of fused filament fabrication process with physics-constrained dictionary learning",
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Lu Y. and Wang Y. (2021) "Physics-constrained dictionary learning for selective laser melting process monitoring",
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Liu D. and Wang Y. (2019) "Multi-fidelity physics-constrained neural network and its application in materials modeling",
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Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Advanced ManufacturingZhang Z., Malashkhia L., Zhang Y., Shevtshenko E., and Wang Y. (2022) Design of Gaussian process based model predictive control for seam tracking in a laser welding digital twin environment.
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Lu Y., Shevtshenko E., and Wang Y. (2021) Physics based compressive sensing to enable digital twins of additive manufacturing processes.
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Lu Y. and Wang Y. (2020) Physics based compressive sensing approach to monitor turbulent flow.
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Lu Y. and Wang Y. (2019) An efficient transient temperature monitoring of fused filament fabrication process with physics-based compressive sensing.
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Lu Y. and Wang Y. (2018) Monitoring temperature in additive manufacturing with physics-based compressive sensing.
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Chan S., Lu Y., and Wang Y. (2018) Data-driven cost estimation for additive manufacturing in cybermanufacturing.
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Liu J., Hu Y., Wu B., and Wang Y. (2018) An improved fault diagnosis approach for FDM process with acoustic emission.
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Liu J., Hu Y., Wang Y., Wu B., Fan J., and Hu Z. (2018) An integrated multi-sensor fusion-based deep feature learning approach for rotating machinery diagnosis.
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Wu H., Yu Z., and Wang Y. (2017) Real-time FDM machine condition monitoring and diagnosis based on acoustic emission and hidden semi-Markov model.
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Liu J., Hu Y., Wu B., Wang Y., and Xie F. (2017). A hybrid generalized hidden Markov model-based condition monitoring approach for rolling bearings. Sensors, 17(5): 1143.
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Zhou Q., Wang Y., Jiang P., Shao X., Choi S.-K., Hu J., Cao L., and Meng X. (2017) "An active learning radial basis function modeling method based on self-organization maps for simulation-based design problems
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Xie F.Y., Hu Y.M., Wu B., and Wang Y. (2016) A generalized hidden Markov model and its applications in recognition of cutting states..
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Wu H., Wang Y., and Yu Z. (2016) In-situ monitoring of FDM machine condition via acoustic emission.
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Interoperability and Persistent Naming in Parametric CADTessier S. and Wang Y. (2013) Ontology-based feature mapping and verification between CAD systems. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 27(1): 76-92
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Low-Carbon DesignHe B., Tang W., Wang J., Huang S., Deng Z., and Wang Y. (2015) Low-carbon conceptual design based on product life cycle assessment. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 81(5): 863-874.
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Geometry ProcessingLi J., Du Z., and Wang Y. (2018) Shape descriptor based local contour profile registration and measurement for flexible automotive sealing. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 18(2): 021006.
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Hillsman C., Wang Y., and Nazzal D. (2013) A semi-automatic mold cost estimation framework based upon geometry similarity. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68(5-8): 1387-1399
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Conference Proceedings:Li J., Zhang Y., Du Z., and Wang Y., "Geometric descriptor-based local contour point set matching for cross-section profile measurement of automotive sealing strips,"
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