Multiscale Multiphysics Simulation of Additive ManufacturingLiu D. and Wang Y. (2020) Multiphysics simulation of nucleation and grain growth in selective laser melting of alloys. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 20(5): 051002.
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Liu D. and Wang Y. (2019) Mesoscale multi-physics simulation of rapid solidification of Ti-
6Al-4V alloy.
Additive Manufacturing, 25: 551-562.
[PDF download]
Cao L., Liu D., Jiang P., Shao X., Zhou Q., and Wang Y. (2019) Multi-physics simulation of dendritic growth in magnetic field assisted solidification.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 144: 118673
[PDF download]
Sestito J.M., Liu D., Lu Y., Song J.-H., Tran A.V., Kempner M.J., Harris T.A.L., Ahn S.-H., and Wang Y. (2020) Multiscale process modeling of shape memory alloy fabrication with directed energy deposition.
Additive Manufacturing for Multifunctional Materials and Structures, eds. by H. Bruck, Y. Chen, and S.K. Gupta (in press)
[PDF download]
Conference Proceedings:Liu D. and Wang Y. "Simulation of nucleation and grain growth in in selective lase melting of Ti-6Al-4V alloy,"
2019 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE2019), Aug.18-21, 2019, Anaheim, California,
Paper No.DETC2019-97684
[PDF download]
Liu D. and Wang Y. "Mesoscale multi-physics simulation of solidification in selective lase melting process using a phase field and thermal lattice Boltzmann model,"
2017 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE2017), Aug.6-9, 2017, Cleveland, Ohio,
Paper No.DETC2017-67633
[PDF download]
Computational Materials DesignLu Y. and Wang Y. (2022) Structural optimization of metamaterials based on periodic surface modeling. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 395: 115057.
[PDF download]
Sestito J.M., Kempner M., Harris T.A.L., Zarkadoula E., and Wang Y. (2022) Development of aluminum scandium nitride molecular dynamics force fields with scalable multi-objective Bayesian optimization. JOM, (in press).
[PDF download]
Sestito J.M., Thatcher M., Shu L., Harris T.A.L., and Wang Y. (2020) Coarse-grained force field calibration based on multi-objective Bayesian optimization to simulate water diffusion in poly-ε-caprolactone. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(24): 5042–5052.
[PDF download]
Tallman A.E., Stopka K.S., Swiler L.P., Wang Y., Kalidindi S.R., and McDowell D.L. (2019) Gaussian-process-driven adaptive sampling for reduced-order modeling of texture effects in polycrystalline alpha-Ti. JOM, 71(8): 2646-2656.
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Huang, W., Wang, Y., and Rosen, D.W. (2017) "A multiscale materials modeling method with seamless zooming capability based on surfacelets," Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 17(2): 021007.
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Huang, W., Wang, Y., and Rosen, D.W. (2016) "Material feature representation and identification with composite surfacelets," Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 3(4):370-384
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Huang W., Didari S., Wang Y., and Harris T.A.L. (2015) "Generalized periodic surface model and its application in designing fibrous porous media,"
Engineering Computations, 32(1): 7-36
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Huang, W., Wang, Y., and Rosen, D.W. (2014) "Inverse surfacelet transform for image reconstruction with constrained-conjugate gradient methods," Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 14(2):021005
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Wang Y. and Horváth I. (2013) "Computer-aided Multi-scale Materials and Product Design,"
Computer-Aided Design, (45(1): 1-3
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Crnkic E., He L., and Wang Y. (2013) "Geometry Guided Crystal Phase Transition Pathway Search,"
Computer-Aided Design, 45(1): 53-64
[PDF download]
Didari S., Harris T.A.L., Huang W., Tessier S.M., and Wang Y. (2012) "Feasibility of Periodic Surface Models to Develop Gas Diffusion Layers: A Gas Permeability Study,"
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(19): 14427-14438
[PDF download]
Didari S., Harris T.A.L., Huang W., Tessier S.M., and Wang Y. (2011) "Transport Phenomena in Carbon Paper Gas Diffusion Layers,"
ECS Transactions, 41(1): 499-512
[PDF download]
Wang, Y. and Rosen, D. (2010) "Multiscale Heterogeneous Modeling with Surfacelets,"
Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 7(5): 759-776
[PDF download]
Qi, C. and Wang, Y. (2009) "Feature-based Crystal Construction in Computer-Aided Nano-Design,"
Computer-Aided Design, 41(11): 792-800
[PDF download]
Wang, Y. (2009) "Computing Minkowski Sum of Periodic Surface Models,"
Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 6(6): 825-837 [Best Paper of CAD'09 Conference]
[PDF download]
Wang, Y. (2008) "Degree Elevation and Reduction of Periodic Surfaces,"
Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 5(6): 841-854
[PDF download]
Wang, Y. (2007) "Loci Periodic Surface Reconstruction from Crystals,"
Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 4(1-4): 437-447
[PDF download]
Wang, Y. (2007) "Periodic Surface Modeling for Computer Aided Nano Design,"
Computer-Aided Design, 39(3): 179-189 [Most Cited Articles of CAD 2012]
[PDF download]
Conference Proceedings:He, L. and Wang, Y., "An efficient saddle point search method using Kriging metamodels," 2015 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015), Aug. 2-5, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, Paper No.DETC2015-47386
[PDF download]
He, L. and Wang, Y. "A curve swarm algorithm for global search of state transition paths," The 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME’15), May 31-June 4, 2015, Colorado Spring, Colorada [Best Poster Award ICME'15]
[PDF download]
He, L. and Wang, Y. "A concurrent search algorithm for multiple phase transition pathways," 2013 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC2013), Aug. 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, Paper No.DETC2013-12362
[PDF download]
Wang, Y., "3D Fractals from Periodic Surfaces," 2010 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE2010), Aug. 15-18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec,
Paper No.DETC2010-29081
[PDF download]
Qi, C. and Wang, Y., "Metamorphosis of Periodic Surface Models," 2009 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE2009), Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 2009, San Diego, CA,
Paper No.DETC2009-87101
[PDF download]
Lasrado, V., Alhat, D., and Wang, Y., "A Review of Recent Phase Transition Simulation Methods: Transition Path Search," 2008 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE2008), Aug.3-6, 2008, New York City, NY,
Paper No.DETC2008-49410
[PDF download]
Alhat, D., Lasrado, V., and Wang, Y., "A Review of Recent Phase Transition Simulation Methods: Saddle Point Search," 2008 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE2008), Aug.3-6, 2008, New York City, NY,
Paper No.DETC2008-49411
[PDF download]
Theses:He, L. (2015) "Multiple phase transition path and saddle point search in computer aided nano design", Ph.D. dissertation
Huang, W. (2014) "Surfacelet-Based Heterogeneous Materials Modeling", Ph.D. dissertation
Crnkic, E. (2012) "Geometry-Guided Phase Transition Pathway and Stable Structure Search for Crystals", M.S. thesis
Computer-Aided Nano-ManufacturingSestito J.M., Abdeljawad F., Harris T.A.L., Wang Y., and Roach A. (2019) An atomistic simulation study of nanoscale sintering: The role of grain boundary misorientation. Computational Materials Science, 165: 180-189
[PDF download]
Song J.-H., Choi K.-H., Dai R., Choi J.-O., Anh S.-H., and Wang Y. (2018) Controlled kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of laser improved nanoparticle deposition process. Powder Technology, 325: 651-658
[PDF download]
Wang Y. (2016) Controlled kinetic Monte Carlo simulation for computer-aided nanomanufacturing. ASME Journal of Micro & Nano-Manufacturing, 4(1): 011001
[PDF download]
Wang, Y. (2013) "First principles process planning for computer-aided nano-manufacturing," eds. by J. Michopoulos et al. Advances in Computers and Information in Engineering Research, Ch.1, ASME Press
[PDF download]
Conference Proceedings:Li, J., Chen, J., Wang, Y., and Huang, J., "Clustered cell parallelization for GPU computing of silicon anisotropic etching simulation,"
Proceedings of 2013 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE2013), Aug. 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, Paper No.DETC2013-12965
[PDF download]
Wang, Y. (2011) "Controlled kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of nanomanufacturing processes," 2011 ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & The Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference (IDETC/CIE2011), Aug. 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC,
Paper No.DETC2011-48570
[PDF download]
Wang, Y., "Nanomanufacturing Technologies: Advances and Opportunities," Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT2009), April 5-9, 2009, Orlando, FL
[PDF download]
Theses:Song, J.-H. (2019) "A nanoparticle laser patterning process to fabricate flexible electronics", Ph.D. dissertation